Workplace Gardens

Smart firms are realising that greening offices, courtyards and foyers into much appreciated natural environments can have an astonishing effect on the workplace and corporate HQ.

It’s proven that workplace wellbeing increases when working amongst planted environments, and so does creativity and productivity.

Workplace Gardens offer a design and installation service for companies who want a greener and more sustainable approach to corporate interior and exterior garden design.

Create a natural world indoors or outdoors. Imagine climbers scaling your interior walls and circling your windows. Experience bright flowers opening and closing, fruit ripening, the aroma of herbs. Harvest produce like pumpkins and beans. Reconnect with nature and feel the difference it makes to the atmosphere inside your building.

...edible offices...

“Revolutionising the corporate foyer”


Plants improve your mental health

“It’s kind of intuitive that being close to nature is good for you – you’ve felt it yourself, when you sit in your garden for a while or take a stroll in the local park, you come back feeling better, less stressed, more energetic. So it’s a no brainer to start to introduce gardens into your work place in order to have the benefits of these effects on your employees.”

Over the past 25 years, experts and scientists have researched to establish exactly how and why indoor planting is good for us and they have established that indoor planting:

  • Lowers stress and anxiety levels
  • Enhances air quality and humidity
  • Decreases feelings of negativity
  • Creates happier and calmer people
  • Employers that go the extra mile increase staff retention and loyalty
  • Lowers workplace sick leave
  • Decreases minor illnesses
  • Accelerates recovery from ailments
  • Enhances efficiency, concentration and innovation
  • Soaks up noise
  • Saves energy

Have staff meetings in a green oasis

Day Lily 'Kwanso'

Ornamental edibles in the workplace

Workplace Gardens are good for greening your business.

By creating a workplace garden you will:

  • Reduce your carbon footprint
  • Offset CO2 emissions
  • Improve air quality
  • And could even provide food plants for your café and reduce their need to buy transported foodstuffs

Fact: Plants absorb CO2 and produce oxygen. CO2 is one of the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming and climate change.

Lush greenness in an office foyer can really help to de-stress.

Workplace Gardens  can take the day to day office experience another step further by enabling your staff directly to interact with our gardens. Edible herbs, salads and flowers can be picked and added to the lunch there and then! Staff can even get involved in watering and planting the garden. Our gardens encourage staff to actively participate – even if it’s just to smell the roses!

There is also the possibility of increasing your staff’s participation in the garden by taking advantage of our supervised  work bee sessions. The Workplace Gardens team have a background in involving people in interactive gardening sessions. We can bring this expertise to your workplace and provide staff training sessions where your employees can be tutored by us in caring for your garden. These sessions can be at your convenience and fit around the working day (lunch times, weekends and evenings). They would be like the away day without the going away bit!

Colleague meetups in green spaces

Because our gardens can change with the seasons they create a continuous area of interest and become a talking point amongst your staff. With a garden that’s changing from day to day – seedlings emerging, flowers blossoming, fruits appearing, your staff will get a buzz out of coming to work and witnessing the ever-changing vibrancy of the garden. 

Reconnecting with the cycles of nature in this way can have a powerful effect on morale and be uplifting to all those who care to witness it.

Wildflowers in office planting

This will act to bring your staff together around a thing of beauty and interest. Instead of the proverbial water cooler for networking, your staff will have a lush green and vibrant place to network and exchange ideas. Increasing networking has been shown to increase efficiency and productivity in the work place.

“Workplace gardens provide chilled out spaces where your workforce can meet, exchange ideas, network and relax”

Why Workplace Gardens are good for your corporate image What could be better green publicity for your business than a stunning foyer full of edible plants and flowers? Your eco-garden could become a feature on all of your promotional business sites: web site, newsletters and social media.

The inclusion of this unusual garden could attract free publicity from local news stations looking to do a feature of the extraordinary in their vicinity or from national news stations looking to include a feature on green businesses. Consider corporate exhibitions, tradeshows and your shareholders AGM. Workplace Gardens could make all of these a stand out occasion with our luscious edible greenery, fruits and flowers.

20 foot runner beans in glass offices

Workplace Gardens is a new and exciting direction for Edible Landscaping – a business which has been designing gardens for over 20 years.

Since we have been involved in designing gardens the technology for indoor landscapes has improved considerably – there are now ways to integrate vertical walled gardens, garden beds, irrigation systems and lighting systems which enable whole rooms to be planted regardless of outdoor light.

We feel the time is ripe to put all of our designing experience into creating sustainable vibrant workplace gardens.

We can do a bespoke garden design using the nature and style of your building’s architecture. We can design a garden in your workplace to fit in exactly with your needs, the needs of your staff and the visiting public.

We love designing for new spaces and would welcome an email from you. As soon as you do we’ll get straight back to you and start the conversation about your ideas for greening your workplace environment.